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ouTube uses Roboto, which is a Sans Serif font. The Roboto font family was designed by Christian Robertson specifically for Google as the system font for the Android operating system

Roboto is free for download (Download from Font Squirrel or Download from Google Fonts)

If you wish to determine the font used in any website, or specific to a section of the website, do the following ...
  1. Invoke Chrome Developer Tools (Press F12)
  2. Click on the Elements tab (top left)
  3. Use the magnifying glass (the first icon on the top left)
  4. Click the Computed tab (pane to the right, next to the Styles tab)
  5. Scroll down to font-family.
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Carlos Garcia Maganto
Carlos Garcia Maganto, Senior Service Designer at Garaje De Ideas (2017-present)

They combine Roboto with Youtube Sans, a font created by Saffron:


Aniket Mohite
Aniket Mohite, A Drupal enthusiast, A travel lover & A food junkie
The font-family used on youtube is Roboto, arial, sans-serif
Basically, the main font is Google Font - Roboto

Aniket Mohite

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